- Amarendra
It is remarked that Modern Russian Literature sprang from the cloak of Gogol. But we cannot claim that Modern Telugu Literature arose from any single source. With the impetus and inspiration provided by university education and study of English literature, modern Telugu literature emerged as a force to reckon with in the closing decades of the last century. The individual efforts of many gifted writers contributed to the efflorescence of several literary forms which were hitherto unattempted because of a servile attitude to literary conventions, which hampered the creative spirit. The desire to seek "fresh woods and pastures new" gave a new direction and imparted a new vigour to writing which sought to meet the challenge of changing times.
The term 'modern needs' to be properly understood as it does not refer only to the time of composition but also to the literary sensibility which expresses itself in the structure and the texture, in tone and temper, in attitude and aspiration. An intense awareness of the forces at work in contemporary life marks out the modern spirit which faces the future without fear or despair and which strives hopefully to make the world a better place to live in. Viewed in this perspective all that is contemporary cannot be characterized as modern.
The bold pioneer Kandukuri Viresalingam started his literary career as an inheritor of literary traditions of by gone ages but gradually evolved into an innovator who experimented with new modes of literary expression. Fired by a crusading zeal he waged a relentless battle against bigotry, hypocrisy and moral turpitude. He wielded his mighty pen as a potent instrument to combat the evils that masqueraded as religion, tradition and respectability. With unshaken faith in a benevolent providence he strove to rid society of its stagnation and to let the fresh breeze of new ideas blow from all directions. He forged simple, direct, powerful yet grammatical prose as medium to propogate reformistic ideology and abiding human values. He displayed remarkable versatilityand blazed a new trial in many literary forms. His Rajasekhara Charitra was the first novel in Telugu which exposed many of the evils of his day and held a mirror to the life of a middle-class householder. His forces dealt with the problems of marriage and corruption in high places. His autobiography depicted the relentless struggle for truth against heavy odds and the gradual evolution of his spiritual glory. His lives of the poets set the tone for literary history and critical evaluation of writers. His translation of Kalidasa's classic Sakuntala gave evidence of a poeticsensibility which could capture charm of the original with rare facility and felicity. He gave all that he had to the country which he loved intensely with a reformistic zeal which marks him out as a hero in the arena of literature. He paved the way for the emergence of modern literature by supplying an abundant fund of new ideas and ideals. Even though his mould was classical his temper was quite modern.
During the period of transition C.R.Reddi made his debut as a poet with the composition of an outstanding poem Musalamma Maranamu in 1899. While observing the conventions of the Prabandhas he introduced a new content derived from a local legend which glorified the sacrifice of individual happiness for the welfare of society. Steering clear of the erotic element of the Prabandhas he evoked sympathy for the young heroine who became a martyr on the altar of sacrifice. This classic may be described as a herald of the new dawn on the horizon of Telugu poetry.
The Avadhanas of Tirupati Venkata Kavulu exerted a literalising influence and popularized poetry in an unprecedented manner. Their impromptu poetic compositions kindled great enthusiasm and created a taste for poetry which had all along been the preserve of the elite. Through their dramatic compositions like Pandavodyoga Vijayamulu Their poems gained tremendous popularity and found an echo in every responding heart. They imparted to Telugu verse a new verve and vigour which is to found in the lesser harmony of prose. Though they observed all the rules of classical versification they brought poetry within the easy reach of the lover of literature.
Another significant event which helped the all round development of modern Telugu Literature was the campaign carried on by Gidugu Ramamurthi Panthulu to lend literary dignity to the spoken word. He revolted against the artificial and bombastic syle used by prose writers, till then. He sought to introduce simplicity, naturalness and grace found in the prose style employed by men and women in their daily lives. He broke the shakles of out dated grammatical rules and pleaded for the use of natural spoken idiom with all its grace and ease.
The most significant urge in the history of Telugu Poetry are Gurajada Appa Rao and Rayaprolu Subba Rao. Inspired by folk melodies Gurajada evolved a lilting metre name Mutyala Saram. He displayed keen social awareness and based his poems on the joys and sorrows of ordinary men and women. His poems Purnamma, Kanyaka and Lavana Raju Kala dealt with the tragic stories woven around ordinary women chosen from the depressed state of society. 'Purnamma was the daughter of a tradesman and the heroine of Lavana Raju Kala was the daughter of a Harijan. He was a bold pioneer in the selection of material as well as its technical execution. His mental horizon was limitless and his vision embraced all mankind.
Starting as a traditionalist Rayaprolu Subba Rao ushered the new age in Telugu poetry. His delicate diction and tenderness of emotion brought into vogue the new school of poetry. His poems Lalitha, Snehaltha and Kashta Kamala depicted the sentiments of love and pathos with rare mastery. His patriotic poems stirred deep national fervor and creating ardent admiration for vanished glories of the golden ages of Andhra history. His passion for the revival of Andhra glory did not degenerate into petty regionalism because he always glorified the concept of free and united India. He rendered signal service to Telugu poetry by exalting the sentiment of love to the loftiest attitudes and eschewing the degrading erotic conversions of degenerate lust. He propounded the novel doctrine of 'Amalina Sringara' (pure love which has cosmic significance). He visualized love as the great bond which links the tiny worm beneath the sad with the mighty God on celestial heights. He introduced the element of suggestiveness which opened magic casements revealing hitherto unperceived beauties, of feeling and emotion.
The romantic movement is a golden chapter in the history of modern Telugu poetry. Intense subjectivity, sensitive appreciation of nature's beauties, burning zeal for individual freedom, growing interest in the simple joys and sorrows of the common people and ardent faith in love as a panacea for the ills of life, marked the new school of poetry ; which came to be known as 'Bhavakavitvam'. The highest watermark of lyrical excellence was touched by Devulapalli Krishna Sastry. His Krishna Paksham, Urvasi and Pravasam contain poems of the highest order, charged with intense lyricism. He is a poet who explored the spiritual value of sorrow. Baptised by rears the purified human spirit blossoms into a fragrant flower offered at the feet of the Lord. In his devotional poetry he displays remarkable universality and breadth of vision. In his songs we find the consummate crafsmanshi and verbal felicity of keats coupled with the ethereal lyrical fire of Shelley. With the alchemy of art he transmutes sorrow into rapture, rendering every lyric as a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
Vedula Satynarayana Sastry excelled himself in expressing polgrant feelings in his memorable poems which are replete with inspired vision, profound feeling and unfettered imagination. During the Romantic period love became the recurring theme of poetry. Drawing inspiration from folk melodies of Andhra, Nanduri Subba Rao composed the celebrated love-song entitled 'Yenki Patalu.' Though they are set in the rural background the treatment of love in these lyrics has scaled the highest pinnacles of thought and idealism. The lilting melodies have a deceptive simplicity because they conceal profound depths of feeling. The poetry of 'Adavi Bapi Raju' shows a rustic simplicity and naturalness, though he sometimes rises to great heights of poetic vision. His lyric describing the steps leading to the shrine at 'Tirupathi' is a memorable piece of poetic achievement. The songs of Basavaraju Appa Rao illustrate Wordsworth's dictum that poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. He composed songs whenever he was elated with joy or depressed with sorrow. They are highly subjective and they spring from the core of his impassioned heart, without caring much for felicity of phrase or nicety of expression. Nanduri, Bapiraju, and Basavaraju constitute the trinity among lyric poets whose work has freshjness, vigour and passion.
Special mention shall be made of the rationalist trend in Telugu poetry represented by Tripuraneni Ramaswami Choudary. His magnum opus 'Sutapuranam' expressed the spirit of revolt against the irrational and superstitious conventions found in the puranas. He pleaded for an intellectual and analytical approach to the problems of life with a spirit of iconoclasm debunking the time-honored concepts relating to God and destiny.
When struggle for freedom went on for many decades poets like Garimella Satyanarayana and Paidipati Subbarama Sastry expressed the patriotic sentiments and nationalist outlook A fervent plea for the formation of a separate state for Andhras was made by poets of high-calibre like Rayaprolu, Viswanatha and Tummala.
During the heyday of Romantic poetry, Jashuva carved out a niche for himself by his mellifluous diction, universal outlook and burning zeal for the uplift of the down trodden sections of our society. His 'Phirdousi', 'Mumtaz Mahal', 'Gabbilam' and 'Khanda Kavyamulu,' stand out as unique contributions to modern Telugu poetry.
Tummala Sitaramamurthy made a mark as the poet of Gandhian idealogy. With admirable felicity and clarity he described the rural beauties of Andhra. Deriving his inspiration from the Buddha's life, 'Karuna Sree' distinguished himself as a poet of love, and pity extended to all creatures under the sun.
An honoured place is given to 'Soundara Nandam' by Pingali and Katuri, because it is a testament of compassion. It proclaimed the glory of universal love which stands in contrast with the heat of degrading lust.
When Romantic poetry drifted away from the harsh realities of daily life 'Sri Sri' unfurled the banner of revolt and became the founder of the progressive movement in poetry. Influenced by the dialectic materialism of Karl Marx, 'Sri Sri' interpreted history and turned the attention of the readers to the bitter struggle for existence. The beggar by the way side, the unemployed youth, the struggling workers and peasants provided themes for his poetry. He broke the fetters of traditional verse and forged a new style of expression to articulate the urges of the new age. His line pulsate with a rare dynamic vigour and offer a new vision of glorious future for the exp0loited men and women in society. He stands Supreme among the progressive poets because of his metrical innovations, stylistic flourishes and mastery over language.
Free verse came into vogue under the leadership of Kundirti Ananeyulu, who dispensed with traditional metres and composed a new type of verse which reflected the fast tempo of the social and political changes which swept the land. With a rapid flow of novel imagery he added a new dimension to prose-poetry.
In spite of several sweeping changes in frm and content some poets continued to retain the traditional values and conventional style. Poems of epic magnitude were written by Gadiyaram Benkata Sesha Sastry and Madhunapantula Satyanarayana Sastry. 'Sivabharatam' achieved great success because of the inspiring exploits of its hero Sivaji, narrated in a style which blended dignity, poise and ease. The panorama of Andhra history was unfolded with great artistry by Madhunapantula whose 'Andhra Puranam' offered a model for impassioned delineation of historical events.
From the erstwhile Telangana region, two remarkable poets of outstanding merit entered the scene of modern poetry. They are Kaloji and Dasarathi, who played a memorable role in the struggle against the feudal and imperialist regime of Nizam. Their poetry may be described as relentless struggle against forces of darkness and reaction. The merits of Kaloji lies in his selection of a simple and sensitive diction to express the most powerful emotions. With a varied experience in life and social service, he is verily a people's poet. Though Dasarathi's compositions are highly rhetorical they displayed lyrical tenderness. Another outstanding poet from this region is Narayana Reddi whose poems appeal to the aesthetic sense of the readers because of his lyrical fire and humanistic attitude to life; He employed the measures found in folk literature to express his deep concern for the lot of the common-man and his firm belief in the cosmic power of love as a harmonizing influence in life. His achievement in the field of free verse is also creditable because of its verbal felicity and clarity.
Puttaparthi Narayanacharya made a strong impact with his famous lyrical sequence 'Sivatandavam'. His poetry offers a rare blend of intellectual vigour and verbal melody. Tilak's 'Amrutam Kurisina Ratri' offers pure poetry which transcends all labels and classifications. The exquisite play on words of Pathabhi and the intricate technical experiment of Arudra have enriched modern Telugu poetry.
Sri Viswanatha Satyanarayana stands like a Colussus among modern poets. He received the coveted 'Gnana Pith' award for his epic Ramayana Kalpavriksham. His versatility is highly commendable. He adorned every form of literature which his giften pen had touched. Though he set his face against modern science and technology, though he constantly harped upon the vanished glories of the past, Viswanatha dominated the literary scene by the rare courage of conviction, and sublime artistic sincerity.
No survey of modern Telugu poetry will be comprehensive without a reference rto Duvvuri Rami Reddi whose 'Krushivaludu' was the first consistent attempt to sing of the short and simple annals of the tillers of the soil blending realism and idealism with a new poetic sensibility.
A passing reference shall be made to the Digambara Kavulu who scoffed at all abiding values of life with bitter irony often bordering on obscenity. Born in the spirit of negation they had no positive vision of life to offer to the reader except rhetocical instigations of armed revolution as the only panacea for the ills of life.
The progressive movement has led to the formation of Arasam (Abhyudaya Rachayitala Sangham) which included the writers both who have belief and no-belief in communism. The Virasam is a sequential movement of Arasam, the members of which aspire to be more revolutionary in their approach. In recent years, yet another branch of the same moment, Janasahiti, is formed.
The poems of Gunturu Seshendra Sarma demand attention by the variety of theme, startling imagery and a new idiom. His poetry is a strange amalgam of romanticism, progressivism and individualism. He extols the value of form in poetry which carries the unmistakable stamp of individual sensibility which can transmute all experience into a piece of art. Flowing in a rapid succession from hjis facile and prolific pen, Seshendra Sarma's poems have created flutter because of a ceaseless quest for the mystery of existence expressed in a style which has the sweep of tidal wave and which carries the imprint of uninhibited creative urge. His winged words rush forth from a spirit that is in a ferment and that voyages alone on unchrtered waters of passion and compassion.
The phenomenal development of prose is a striking feature of modern literature. Several literary forms like drama, novel, short story, easay, and literary criticism gained momentum in this century. Though Telugu drama is hundred years old, it was predominantly derivative and imitative. Themes from the puranas inspired many writers, "Pandavodyoga Vijayamulu" by Tirupati Venkata Kavulu, 'Gayopakyanam' by Chilakamarthi Lakshmi Narasimham and 'Satya Harischandra' by Balijepalli Lakshmikantham still retain their immense popularity. The historical play 'Prataparudriyam' by Vedam Venkataraya Sastry, attained great recognition. Kanyasulkam by 'Gurujada Appa Rao' broke new ground in Telugu drama. It is a pioneering work in the field of social drama which humorously dealt with the problem of marriage. Characterisation keeps the play alive even though the problem tackled by the play-wright has become outdated. The character of 'Girisam' reminds us of 'Falstaff' who comes out of every tight-corner with his resourceful wit. It is a refreshing comedy of manners. The satires of Bhamidipati Kameswara Rao hold upto ridicule many of the evils of society. Kallakuri Naryana Rao, focused his attention on the three evils—wine women and wealth, in his social dramas like 'Varavikrayam' and Madhuseva'. The element of realism is introduced into modern Telugu drama by Acharyua Atreya whose 'N.G.O.' set a model for realistic problem plays.
The novel started its career in Telugu with translation and imitation of Bengali and Marathi novels. The first novel which depict the rural life and social problems is 'Malapalli' by Unnava Lakshmi Narayana. The impact of Gandhism on the social evolution in Andhra has been admirably described by Mahidhara Ramamohana Rao in his novel 'Kollayi Gattithe Nemi??,. The psychological novel was successfully attempted by 'Butchi Babu whose master piece 'Chivariki Migiledi' has become a classic. The defeat of a idealist in the world of changing values is artistically portrayed by Gopichand in his 'Asamardhuni Jivayathra'. Rachakonda Visweanatha Sastry's 'Alpajivi' deals with inferiority complex of its hero. The novels of Kodavatiganti Kutumba Rao excel in realistic presentation of life in this age of changing values. 'Prajala Manishi' of Vattikota Alwara Swamy depicts the impact of communism on Telangana region. Dasarathi Rangacharya powerfully presents in his novel 'Chillara Devullu' the rural life and the feudal atrocities in Telangana area.
The short story registered great progress in theme and technique. A remarkable beginning was made by 'Gurajada' whose short story 'Diddu Batu' illustrates his mastery of suspense and trick ending. The short stories of 'Butchi Babu', Gopichand, Padmaraju, and Kodavatiganti have touched a high watermark of literary excellence and artistic innovation. The older generation of short story writers represented by Sripada Subrahmanya Sastry , Veluri Sivarama Sastry', Munimanikyam Narasimha Rao' stand out as shining examples of the art of narration. The short stories of 'Chelam' like hjis novels are dominated by the theme of sex, and plea for unfettered individual freedom. Racy style is his forte.
The easy received due attention from writers of diverse temperaments. The Sakshi essays written by 'Panuganti' in imitation of Adisons' Spectators essays, reveal sense of humor, satire and keen observation of men and matters. The musings of Chelam, the feature 'Uhaganam' of Lata and the feflective essays of Devulapalli Krishna Sastry reveal poetic sensibility, though they they are written in lyrical prose. The essays of Gopichand and G. V. Krishna Rao, display their intellectual vigour and philosophical vision. Among the journalists 'Mutnuri Krishna Rao' and Narla Venkateswara Rao developed a forceful and individual style which exercised strong influence on the reading public by the variety of theme, and the force of expression.
Literary criticism came into its vogue by the pioneering effort of C.R.Reddy. His 'Kavitwa Tatwa Vicharam' introduced freshness of approach inclusivewit, judicious evaluation and balanced appreciation. Comparitive and impressionistic trends of criticism owe their inspiration to C.R.Reddy, whose critical acumen derived its force from his deep acquaintance with western critical classics. Dr. Sripada Gopalakrishna Murthy, holds a highplace among modern critics, because of his perceptive and penetrating studies of Romantic poetry ion Telugu. Kodavatiganti Kutumba Rao and K.V. Ramana Reddy represent the consistent Marxist evaluation of literary master pieces. Their critical writings fave impetus to the progressive ideology in modern literature.
Women writers have gained distinction in several literary forms, particularly novel and short story. Kanuparthi Varalakshmamma did pioneering work in the field of short story and reflective essay. The short stores of I. Saraswathi Devi consistently up-hold the cherished human values in the fast changing social structure. The field of the novel is dfominated by women writers today. The most popular among them is Sulochana Rani who swaysover millions of hearts by the dexterity of technique, lucidity of style and dramatic type of characterization. The theme of Pride and Prejudice appear with several delightful permutations in her novels. She may be legitimately styled as the 'Jane Austen of Andhra'. The novels of Vasireddi Sitadevi and Ranganayakamma deal with contemporary problems from a realistic point of view. Lata expressed her romantic lyricism in her famour novel 'Mohana Vamsi'. Among the scholarly writers Vutukuri Lakshmi Kantamma, Dr. Nayani Krishna Kumari and Dr. Yasoda Reddi deserve special mention. As a feature writer Malati Chandur has been able to hold her ground for many decades. Ramalakshmi Arudra has also gained recognition as a writer of fiction as well as feature articles.
Under the impact of romanticism, folk-literature began to draw attention from serious scholars. The patient researches of Ndunuri Gangadharam and Rs. B. Rama Raju highlighted the spontaneous and natural vigour of folk-songs and tales which had hitherto languished in neglect.
Children's literature has emerged as a distinct literary form. Writers like G. V. Sitapati, Chinta Dikshitulu, Radio Annayya, B.V.Narasimha Rao and Kavi Rao made significant contributions to the growth and development of this branch which appeal to the eternal child present in every human heart.
Biography and autobiography also developed during this century. The autobiographies of Viresalingam and Chilakamarthi have become classics. The autobiographical writing of Achanta Janaki Ram and Sanjiva Dev exhibit their tenderness of heart and universality of vision. The biographies written by Gorrepati Venkata Subbaiah, particularly his portrait of Sarat Babu represent the art of writing life histories in a delightful manner.
The Andhras are not without sense of humor, which is a balancewheel of all emotions. Chilakamarthi's 'Ganapathi' Mokkapati's 'Barrister Parvatisam', Muni Manikyam's delightful pictures of domestic life, Bhamidipati's satirical farces and Mullapudi Venkataramana's native sense of laughter represent humourous literature at its best. The Andhra cannot only laugh at others, but also at his own foibles and frailties.
Thus the pageant of Modern Telugu Literature moves on and on, still achieving and still pursuing, retaining its individuality, while seeking to attain universality of vision. The modern Telugu writer always strives to seek, to find and never to yield, aware of the past alive to the present, and unafraid of the future.